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Sexual Harassment Training

Our sexual harassment training uses state-of-the-art workplace harassment prevention techniques that are not only informative but also very entertaining. Our hilarious cast of cartoon characters perform and teach in a cute and funny manner that won’t be soon forgotten. Online harassment training has never been more entertaining! Our harassment training for employees has a 1 hour duration and costs $29.99 per training participant. And our harassment training for supervisors has a 2 hour duration and also costs $29.99. All of our courses are responsive which means that they can be viewed on all devices whether it be a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or cell phone. Study our harassment training online whenever you want, from wherever you want. Our training meets the requirements of the United States Federal Government and all 50 states, and provides an attractive certificate of completion after completing the course.

Complete Sexual Harassment Training for $29.99

All of the following sexual harassment training items are included for only $29.99 per training participant

Sexual Harassment Training

Sexual harassment training online course for employees or for supervisors, valid in all 50 states.

Certificate of Completion

An elegant, personalized certificate of completion which verifies sexual harassment training completion.

Continuing Education

Continuing education is optional but crucial in a holistic sexual harassment training campaign.

Select a sexual harassment training course according to the state in which you work and your job title

Some states have specific state-required sexual harassment training requirements. Select the state that you work in to be directed to the correct training course for you.

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Sexual Harassment Training Courses

Sexual harassment training, the most important component used to prevent workplace harassment, is essential in bringing awareness to what constitutes sexual harassment, how to avoid it, and what kinds of conduct are offensive or potentially offense and not tolerated in the workplace. Training increases participants ability to recognize the types of conduct that are offensive and deemed by local, state, and/or federal governments to be harassment and therefore unacceptable in the workplace. Training increases participants’ sensitivity towards sexual harassment, allows participants to empathize with harassment victims, and reduces a harassers propensity for engaging in harassment. Employees who participate in training are more likely to inform their employer if they’ve fallen victim to or witnessed harassment in the workplace, allowing the employer to rectify the harassment before it becomes a bigger problem. Being sure that employees understand what their employer considers to be harassment is an important element for effective training. For this reason we welcome employers to provide us with their anti-harassment policy so that we may add it to the customized training that their company’s employees will participate in. We can provide a premade or customized anti-harassment policy to companies at their request. Our sexual harassment training for most of the 50 United States teaches participants what is sexual harassment, what are the different types of harassment, how to identify offensive conduct, what to do if sexual harassment occurs, what must an employer do, how to file a complaint, and many other important topics. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, New York (and New York City), and Washington State all have their own specific training requirements which we offer in state-specific training courses which combine federal harassment information with the state-required information.

These videos are actual units from our sexual harassment training

Harassment training for employees is 1 hour of informative and entertaining sexual harassment training for non-supervisory employees. Includes certificate of completion.

Harassment Training For Supervisors is 2 hours of informative and entertaining sexual harassment training for supervisors and managers. Includes certificate of completion.

Certificate of completion

Certificate of Completion

Receive a Certificate of Completion after successfully completing the Sexual Harassment Training course. Our attractive certificates are personalized with the training participant’s information and verify exposure to important information which is crucial in the prevention of a hostile work environment and workplace harassment. The certificate can be downloaded after completing our online course.

Sexual harassment training on any device

Sexual harassment training wherever you go, whenever you want.

Sexual Harassment Training

Our sexual harassment training includes the following items:

Online training course

Our sexual harassment training course features a cast of hilarious cartoon characters. They're very entertaining!

certificate of completion

All of our courses include a certificate of completion which is awarded upon course completion, and valid for two years.

english and spanish

We offer both English and Spanish language online sexual harassment training courses for your convenience.

responsive course design

Our courses use responsive technology which allow users of computers, tablets, or mobile phones to study online.

employees in all 50 states

Our courses are designed to be taken by employees, potential employees, and supervisors in all 50 states.

$29.99 for complete course

Sexual harassment training course (for employees and potential employees), with certificate of completion, costs $29.99.

Sexual Harassment Training Customized For Your Company

Harassment Policy

Include your company's harassment policy in the online training course

Reporting Procedures

Include your company's harassment reporting procedures in the training

Custom Certificate

Certificate of completion customized to your company's corporate identity

We can include a custom certificate of completion. Tailored to your company’s needs.

sexual harassment training

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Workplace Harassment
What You Need To Know

U.S. Federal laws prohibit workplace discrimination and workplace harassment. These laws are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Sexual harassment creates a hostile work environment and is the most common type of workplace harassment or discrimination in the workplace. Many workers have experienced some form of sexual harassment in the workplace. It is unlawful to harass a person because of that person’s sex. Harassment can include “sexual harassment” or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Employers prefer hiring job applicants that have sexual harassment training, applicants trained in avoiding sexual harassment in the workplace, and therefore avoiding damage to employee morale, productivity, and costly lawsuits. By studying and successfully completing our harassment prevention training you can show current and/or future employers that you have been trained and therefore less likely to victimize other employees, damage the company’s culture, and become a liability for the company.

Employers care deeply about preventing harassment because harassment is wrong – and, in many cases, it is against the law. A variety of damages can occur as a result of workplace harassment – occupational, psychological, physical, and economic damage that often destroys the lives of employees. Employers also care about preventing harassment in the workplace because it makes good business sense. The direct financial costs, time, energy, and resources that get diverted from the normal business operation, when having to deal with harassment complaints, legal representation, litigation, settlements, and court awards, is enormous. Harassment training for employees should be required for all employees in order to better understand what constitutes sexual harassment and how to avoid a hostile work environment. Sexual harassment may include sexual advances that are unwelcome by the recipient, requests for sexual favors, and other physical or verbal harassment of a sexual nature. Workplace harassment and discrimination in the workplace are some of the most prolific areas of employee abuse for which employers have an affirmative duty to investigate and deal with appropriately. Sexual harassment is usually defined using two types: “quid pro quo harassment” and “hostile environment harassment.” We offer online sexual harassment training for employees in all 50 states. Study our online sexual harassment course and receive a certificate after successful course completion. Employers prefer employees that are trained in how to avoid sexual harassment in the workplace.

What actually constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace can often be confusing. A person becomes a victim when on the receiving end of sexual conduct that is unwelcome or unwanted and occurs frequently and/or is very serious. An important factor is whether the victim by his or her conduct indicated that the sexual advances were unwelcome. Because sexual attraction may sometimes be present in the day-to-day social exchange between employees, the distinction between welcome and unwelcome sexual behavior and/or advances may sometimes be difficult to determine. The harasser may be the owner of the company, a supervisor, co-worker, or even a customer of the company. The harasser may be female, male, or transgender, and the person being harassed may be the same sex, the opposite sex, or transgender. The offending sexual conduct may come in many forms including physical harassment, verbal harassment, in pictures, or in written form. A hostile work environment or intimidating workplace caused by illegal sexual harassment hinders an employee’s job performance. Study our sexual harassment training online course and get certified now. Online harassment training is very convenient!

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