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Gender Pronouns

The proper use of pronouns in the workplace, such as he/him, she/her, and they/them, that a person goes by, is an important part of preventing a hostile work environment and workplace harassment. Gender pronouns are a way that we identify ourselves apart from our name. People want to be seen and accepted for who they are. In certain circumstances the use of gender pronouns or names that are not consistent with an individual’s gender identity may be considered harassment, so it is important that we use people’s preferred pronouns. Intentionally and repeatedly using pronouns that are incorrect in reference to a transgender employee could contribute to an unlawful hostile work environment and is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you’re not sure what a coworker’s pronouns are, ask them or listen to what pronouns the coworker uses.

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Gender pronouns

Gender pronouns are the words that we use to refer to someone’s gender identity. Traditional pronouns include “he/him” for men and “she/her” for women. However, not everyone identifies as male or female, and there are now many other pronouns being used, such as “they/them” and “ze/hir”. It is important to use the correct pronouns for someone as it shows respect for their identity and helps create an inclusive environment. If you are unsure of someone’s pronouns, the best thing to do is to ask them politely.

Pronouns in the workplace

People often make assumptions about the gender of their coworkers based on their coworkers appearance or name. They often apply incorrect assumptions in regard to the gender pronouns they use to refer to their coworkers. Whether these assumptions are correct or not, the dangerous act of making an assumption can potentially send a harmful message – that their coworkers have to look and act a certain way to prove their gender.

Non binary pronouns

The meaning of binary in relation to gender involves a choice or condition of two alternatives, male or female. In other words, the concept that we are limited to only two genders, male and female, is called gender binary.

Gender non-binary means that an individual does not fit into the traditional binary categories of male and female. People who feel that they don’t fit into one of these two groups, either male or female, are non-binary and in many cases may use the non binary pronouns they, them, their.

They them pronouns

Some people use they them pronouns instead of he or she because they identify as non-binary. They them pronouns are gender-neutral pronouns whereas she and her pronouns are specific to females, and he and his pronouns are specific to males. So, when someone doesn’t identify as female or male they may use gender-neutral pronouns such as they, them and their.


Neopronouns are a category of gender pronouns beyond “he”, “she”, “they”, etc. which some non-binary people prefer. Some non-binary individuals feel that there are options within neopronouns that more accurately describe their gender identity when compared with conventional pronouns.

Gender pronouns chart

Use the following gender pronouns chart to have a better understanding of the many gender pronouns that exist.

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