Drip-Feed Sexual Harassment Training

Drip Feed Sexual Harassment Training Lessons are short supplemental lessons available to employees once every month as part of a holistic sexual harassment prevention effort. These short, informative and fun lessons focus on reinforcement of key sexual harassment prevention topics and are an excellent way to supplement annual or every two years sexual harassment training. As the EEOC Select Task Force On The Study Of Harassment In The Workplace stated “Training should be conducted and reinforced on a regular basis for all employees. … if anti-harassment trainings are regularly scheduled events in which key information is reinforced, that will send the message that the goal of the training is important.” Providing this type of continuing education to employees at every level of the organization helps ensure the effectiveness of the holistic sexual harassment training effort.

Drip-feed sexual harassment training refers to the process of providing sexual harassment training in short, regular intervals spread out over a period of time. This method aims to foster a longer-lasting and more effective learning experience for staff members rather than managers or HR departments organizing a one-off session that employees never think about again. It allows individuals to internalize and process information in smaller, manageable doses over an extended period, enabling behavioral and cultural change via gentle and consistent prompting. It’s a cost-effective and well-regarded strategy that helps keep the message relevant and front of mind. This sexual harassment training approach aims to increase the effectiveness and retention of the information provided to employees. By regularly exposing employees to concise, targeted training modules, drip-feed sexual harassment training promotes a deeper understanding of the issue and enables employees to internalize the knowledge and awareness necessary to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace.

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Sexual harassment training

Sexual Harassment Drip-Feed Lessons

Harassment Outside Of Work

January 2023

Is sexual harassment illegal if it occurs outside of the workplace? Find out in this informative short drip-feed lesson.

February 2023

Learn the importance of using the correct gender pronouns in the workplace and how intentionally not doing so could be illegal.

Offensive Conduct

March 2023

Learn what constitutes offensive conduct, and how to avoid it, in relation to sexual harassment in the workplace.

Sexual Acquiescence

April 2023

Learn why acquiescence in sexual conduct at the workplace may not mean that the conduct is welcome to the individual.

Unwelcome Conduct

May 2023

It’s important to understand the difference between welcome and unwelcome sexual conduct in the workplace.

Social Media Harassment

June 2023

Learn about the possible connection between sexual harassment in social media and workplace harassment.

Gender Identity

July 2023

Gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation in relation to a hostile work environment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

August 2023

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful to harass a person because of that person’s sex.

Bystander Intervention

September 2023

How adopting proactive bystander intervention measures may prevent workplace harassment from occurring.

Preventing Abusive Conduct

October 2023

Learn how to prevent abusive conduct in the workplace and avoid a hostile work environment and workplace harassment.

Different Types Of Harassment

November 2023

Learn about the different types of sexual harassment in the workplace, verbal, visual and physical harassment.

Hostile Work Environment

December 2023

Learn what constitutes a hostile work environment in relation to workplace harassment, and how it can be prevented.

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The following sexual harassment training drip-feed lesson is about sexual harassment outside of work

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